Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 12 of Training

Today was another program training day. It was a group hike to Elsigbach. It took about 2 hours to hike the small little village. It rained the entire way to the village and little did I know the rain pants I used are not waterproof and my cotton pants were soaking wet by the time we were able to sit down. My jacket was very waterproof keeping my entire upper body dry! This is the first valley that opens during the winter season for skiers, and it has the first gondola running as well. We rode the gondola up to the top of the mountain, which is about 1,900m high. Atop the mountain it was quite windy and very cold. We stopped at the restaurant above and got some hot chocolate and coffee and we got to eat our packed lunches inside. Thank goodness. We then walked to the lake on top of the mountain, and when it is sunny and hot during the summer, guests are allowed to take a break and swim in the lake. Today it was way to cold to even attempt to swim, I left my ‘swim costume’ (swim suit) at the chalet on purpose.  We walked about 45 minutes down the mountain and luckily we had Christoph to come pick us when we got back to the village. It was quite a rainy day, and the sun never came out. But after dinner, I worked on my bio page that will hang on the volunteer board in main chalet! Ciao! 

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