Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Day Off

Our first day off, I wanted to sleep in, but with a room full of 10 people I was only able to sleep in til 10am, I did get up at 8:40am to make a lunch but went straight back to sleep. I then decided to go on a group bike ride to Frutigen, as part of a staff challenge. It seemed like a pleasant day out, but little did we know, we forgot to check the weather and there was a BLIZZARD snow, and all I was wearing was ear protectors, a scarf, under-armor longsleeve, a FLEECE, and spandex and jeans and tennis shoes, I WAS NOT dressed for the weather, and I was freezing at the end of the trip, but this is how it went. It was a 2.5 hour bike ride, and about 20 minutes into our bike adventure snow fell, very quickly and very hard, and this happened in the uphill part of our adventure, oh it wasn’t so fun, we had to push our bikes uphill in the blizzard. Then we got to a little school as the children were leaving. We were not quite sure where we were going but we seemed to finally make it to Frutigen, although toward the downhill trek of the trip I thought I was going to die because my hands were freezing and in severe pain as well as my feet, BUT we made it to Frutigen. And as soon as we got to town we went to a cafĂ© to warm and get coffee, THANK GOODNESS! We then traveled to the super market to get miscellaneous things. After the market we went to the train station to purchase train tickets to MILANO ITALIA! That was a bit of an ordeal with half-fare cards, non-german speaking and the gentlemen at the desk was very patient with our requests. We then got on the bus to go back to our Chalet, time check 4.5 hours after departure, lordy. As soon as we boarded we had to pay for our bikes to be hauled back with us, and that was ANOTHER bus ticket, who know a bike ticket would be equivalent to a human ticket. We finally arrived back at our chalet, and the photo at the top of my blog was taken at the very end of our journey, right before getting to the chalet. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and packing for Milan! Today was sure tiring.

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