Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 2 of traveling

I arrived in London, went through security and then hung out in the common area of the airport. You have to hang in the common areas since you will not know which terminal to go to until an hour before your flight is ready for boarding, so I had to hang out and keep an eye on the departure boards to figure out if I needed to switch terminals. I was still very tired, since it was 4am Texas time. I had about 3 hours until my flight to Zurich so after a while I ate a salmon and crayfish salad, took a nap, went to Starbucks and got a vanilla latte and boarded the plane. The flight to Zurich was about an hour, then I read my Discover science magazine, so that was nice. I took the shuttle to the NH Hotel, where I would stay the night. I relaxed in my hotel, used the computer, and ate some chicken wings for dinner. The bartender was quite nice, probably because I was an American and made me a cocktail drink while I was waiting to use the computers. Once I ordered food, I drank some wine. He wanted to be friends, whatever that means, but when I asked for my bill, I didn’t have to pay for the drinks, so that was quite nice. I quickly went to bed before 11pm and slept until the next day.

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