Thursday, May 20, 2010

Milan- Day1

We are traveling to Milan today! Our bus at the Adelboden Oey bus stop left at 7:54am, and the adventure to Milan began. Our first train stop was Brig, a quaint little town just 45 minutes away from Frutigen, I may go there on my ‘trip to town by myself.’ We arrived in Milan around, 11:35am and I saw very many pretty cities on the way there. I was excited to be there! We arrived to Milano Centrale station, and the outside culture is very industrial. It is the first large city I have explored since I have been in Europe. We then bought our Metro (subway) pass so we could ride all the subways, next stop was Duomo. Duomo was absolutely Beautiful, a lot prettier than the train station area, the architecture and buildings and culture was absolutely amazing, and there was lots of shops and tourists attractions. The inside of Duomo was absolutely breath-taking, it was such a pretty cathedral and I wondered how they built it without the technology and machinery of our time.We payed 5 Euros to walk to the top on Duomo roof,  and the view uptop was beautiful! I took many many pictures!! Our next venture was to find our Hotel, Hotel Sabatino Milano. We arrived at the correct station but it took us 45 minutes to find our hotel because understanding directions in Italian is quite difficult =) We finally talked to a nice lady who spoke English and she got her husband to talk to the police officer to direct us in the correct way!! YAY we have arrived and 2 of the girls took a nap while I hung out with one in the back patio. The weather was quite lovely and I really enjoyed being outdoors. I even got a cup of coffee, and it was very good, considering the coffee at the chalet tastes like water. After the girls arised, we went to go grab some great Italian food and wine! We then went back to Duomo and walked around and took many pictures, and happened to run into a bike marathon it was quite entertaining. I even got to talk to mom on the phone for the first time!! It was a long day so we scurried back to the hotel to go to sleep.

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