Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 4 of Training

We had our second day of house2 training, so we swapped the buildings we were cleaning. And man my shin muscles hurt from the hike to Adelboden. Yesterday, I was in Main Chalet so we switched to Spycher and Squirrel House. We had a bit of trouble with Henry, the vacuum from squirrel house. First Megan and I trekked up the hill, and the cubbard was locked, we went back to the reception to get the key, then went back up the hill and found Henry and plugged him in, but the only plug seemed to be temporarily out, so we thought the vacuum was broken. We brought Henry all the way down the hill back to reception to find out that he did work and that the outlet was broken, so we went back up the hill and Christoph fixed the surge problem. We were then off to vacuuming squirrel house, and since I was the smallest I had to vacuum underneath all the bunk beds on the bottom floor, since squirrel house is 2 floors. It was quite weird crawling under the bunk beds and clean about 50 slots in between the wood for each bed, but they are now saw-dust free, dust free, bug free and dirty free. There are lots of regular chores to do here over the summer, so I know I will be quite busy. Currently there are no guests at our Chalet so it is quite quiet, so it has been nice. But, starting June 1, we will have over 80 guests to accommodate, so that is when the summer season will begin!! Tomorrows the day off!! Wahoo, but anyways after lunch we are getting trained in the kitchen. We were given a briefing about where things are located in the kitchen, the cubbards, drawers, downstairs in the pantry and the freezers and refrigerators too. Each event over the summer is 9 days, but on day 1 and 9 it is the same because guests leave in the morning and new guests arrive at night, so for the kitchen we have days 1-8, and each day there is a different dinner item to be cooked, so I will be eating the same types of dinner every 8 days, yippee. Breakfast is the same, yogurt, cereal, granola, bread, jam and fresh fruit. In the kitchen tour we got to learn all the names of everything, so here I begin. Windy is the dishwasher, Iggy is the oven, Veronica is the telephone, Andreas II is the slicer, Hans is the food scarp bin, the cooked food scraps (we give all of the food to a local farmer so he can feed his pigs) Connie is the compost bin where you throw out all raw food scraps that you can later take out to the real compost area, and that is all I can remember so far. All ten vollies, Jenny-the catering coordinator, and 2 spring volunteers ALL cooked dinner in the kitchen, it was quite interesting. We cooked chili, veggie chili, and prepared a salad, and cream for the peaches-n-cream desert. It was quite an adventure since there were so many people..we also cleaned up dinner, there were way too many people in the kitchen at once! Time flew by in the kitchen, then it was dinner and cleanup time, then relaxing time. A few of the summer and spring vollies went to go experience Adelboden nightlife, as apart of earning points for the staff challenge. We went to a little pub on the main street of the village town, I am not sure the name since it is in Swiss-German. I now know how to order a beer in swiss german, Klein-beer is small beer and Gross-beer is large beer. Toward the end we played a guide game that we turned into a drinking game, it is called ibbily-wibbily or however you spell it, it was quite fun. We then walked all the way back to the chalet in the dark, it was quite tiring, but walking up and down the mountain is quite refreshing. When I got back, it was time to sleep!

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