Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 13 of Training- Last day!!!

Today was the last official day of training! It was a very fun-filling day. We first went on a hike for an hour and a half to a gorge. We went abseiling in the gorge, in order to get to the gorge we had to ‘clip-in’ with our carabiners all the way down the steep path to the platform. With the sound of dangerous rushing water below, we then abseiled down the gorge. The rocks were very slippery and full rain gear was required because inside it seemed to be ‘raining’ the entire time. Finally I made it to the platform at the base of the gorge. The gorge was absolutely breath-taking, a hidden wonder many tourists would never be able to discover. Next stop was the woodcarvers. The woodcarver’s shop is a unique spot in the town of Adelboden, and the woodcarver’s wood shop and a store was all one room. There were numerous wood carved trinkets, animals, clocks, key chains, jewelry and much more. I found it very fascinating looking at all of the different wood-work. Next door there is Kaffe Balli, an older Swiss lady sells hot and cold beverages and snacks to people who visit the woodcarver’s. The Lemon Cake that she sells is probably the best cake I have tasted, and I am not even a huge dessert person. (Thanks for the strawberry shortcake reference Momma). She even sold apple juice that was made from her very own apple tree. After our coffee and cake break, we hiked all the way back to the chalet, and it took about 2 hours. It is spring-time here and there are flowers all over the hills and mountains. My favorite flower in Switzerland is the Alpine Buttercup! After our hike we had a tea party where we became official staff when we received our red Swiss Guiding Scarfs!!! Tonight at dinner we had Thai Sweet Chili Chicken. I loved the meal because it was spicy!!! We have the day off tomorrow, which  I am quite excited to sleep in a little bit. Peace & Love.

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