Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 3 of Training

Guest Services is our focus of training. House1 training, aka cleaning and learning where all the cleaning supplies are and how to clean the 2 main buildings. We are in charge of cleaning all of the main common areas and bathrooms. Vacuuming and mopping etc. Guest services also involves cooking, office stuff and giving tours to Our Chalet when guests arrive. So today, I learned how to use a very unusual mop head and change the vacuum bag, which is actually harder than many think.. Around the chalet, everything has a name, whether it is a living object or not. Hoover is the name of the vacuum…more will come when we get trained in the kitchen. We were also taught how to do rubbish and recycling, and rubbish is the term they use for trash it is quite odd. And if I ask where something belongs for example the mop, the response is “it lives over there in the cubbard” everything LIVES somewhere…interesting terminology. After lunch, we went on a grounds and maintenance tour with Christoph, one of the only German speaking employees, and his English is not exactly the greatest but we can understand him. We went on a little hike around the Chalet, I had no idea it was as big as it is, we got to see many piles of trees, logs, sticks that will be used for fire, etc. We got a tour to the silver bin, aka garbage can where the city picks it up, the various recycling bins etc. They have plastic bottles (PET) no plastic bags, metal/aluminum/tin, paper, and glass sorted into clear, brown and green. And the law in Switzerland is that it costs 26 francs to empty the silver bin, so if you recycle everything out of the rubbish the bin will not get full every week and you can save money and the environment!! I love the laws here…if only it was like that in the US…ha. And our chalet has a very environmentally friendly heating system, they use wood pellets to heat the main chalet, and it was recognized by the WWF (world wildlife fund…for those of you who don’t know)! So that is also exciting. After our tour we had a little break before dinner. Dinner time and it was Murder Mystery party (photo above). I was a tourist so I kind of dressed and did my own thing. It was quite fun we were solving a mystery of a death after an extravagant wine party. I had lots of fun, since I enjoy the CSI type thing =). Then we relaxed, hung out, etc before bed-time. And bed time here is between 10-11pm, sometimes if I cant sleep I will stay up til midnight but I will be paying for it the next day. I am all about getting my 8 hours of sleep =) 

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