Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day Off!

Today was our day off. I chatted with many of my friends late into the night so I was able to sleep until noon today, and it was quite lovely. I have already started called pants 'trousers' and referring to the location of  inanimate objects as 'living' somewhere, thank you to the UK girls. Emma and I walked to the village of Adelboden, had lunch (not from the chalet) and went to the grocery store. I bought cayenne pepper, since many things at the Chalet are not spicy, at all. After returning, it was time to make dinner with 4 others. After dinner we had a lovely campfire. It was an international campfire--German, Spanish and English. And we sang songs in all languages. There is a tribe from Germany staying at the Chalet that have been working on the camp site and fixing up the camp house and baby chalet. They have done a great deal of work since they have been here. I even played a little futbol with them. After campfire, we had a summer vollie cupcake party in the dining hall, I got to eat strawberries!!! All in all it was a delightfully relaxing day, and now it is time for bed.  Gute Nacht!

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