Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day Off to Frutigen

We had the day off as official staff. Today, I was able to sleep in until noon, and it was quite lovely. After a relaxing morning/afternoon, I went to Frutigen (via bus) with Emma and Christina. I opted not to ride my bike, as I did last time, which didn’t seem to be a viable option. Once we got to town I was able to sort out my half fare card and buy my train ticket to Lucerne to see Liz on Sunday. She is studying abroad and has a free day so I was able to switch my days so I could go see her! We walked around the small town and went in and out of various shops. We even ran into another group from the chalet, since the town is so small and we stopped to get hot chocolate and coffee. I don’t drink coffee at the chalet, since it is highly undrinkable I normally get coffee on my days off or when I have the opportunity. It takes about 30 minutes by bus to get from Frutigen to the Chalet bus stop, but then you have to walk 15 minutes uphill to get to the Chalet. The uphill walk is quite grueling, but strictly unavoidable. Today, we had a group from India arrive to stay here for the first official summer event. Summer is here and it is exciting, although the weather outside does not say so. It was a relaxing evening, I got to bed early and briefly read my book, Tuesdays with Morrie, then fell fast asleep.

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