Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I woke up around 8am in the tent with Alex. I was on guest services for the day since it was on-site day. I am on program for this event. We had the opening ceremony this morning by the flagpole, then we finished in the kitchen and then it was morning meeting time. I helped out with the BBQ lunch and I even helped Christoph with the actual barbequeing of the bratwurst. We had a staff lunch together to gather to say goodbye to Megan, since she is leaving in the morning. After lunch I had a break to hang out with Alex and catch up on my blog updating. I finally completed all of my blogs from the last five days. I have been on the go and very busy since I left for Venice and I have a visitor at the chalet which is tons of fun! Renee and I made a cake for Megan during/after dinner and we had a miniature party in the Music room to say goodbye again. It is becoming more of a reality to me that I am leaving soon since she is leaving tomorrow. It is crazy to think that this summer has flown by and I am leaving in 15 days! After our gathering, I was off to bed in our tent with Vietti!

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