Sunday, August 15, 2010


I woke up to rain beating on the window, oh joy I can't wait to go hiking today. I am a bit tired from going out with some of the vollies for Emma's last night; but I had a lot of fun at the dance club, especially since they were playing great American (english) dance club music. I got up later than usual, but I still managed to get ready, pack my lunch and eat my breakfast before morning meeting. Agus and I were on the high road together with guests from Montana, New York and Japan. It was a lot of fun, the weather was cool and a little rainy, but we made it to the alp in 2.5hrs. It is about an 8 mile hike to Elsigenalp, but it was a good hike. I then put on gloves, 2 jackets, my rainjacket and a head warmer and ate lunch by the lake. I tend to cool down very rapidly after hiking, so I knew in advance I was going to freeze. After about an hour outside, I was so cold that Koka, Agus and I went to the restaurant. There was some kind of mini festival going on, so a cheesemakers hut was open, there was a petting zoo, and there was constant music -- yodelling, alpine horn players or some sort of Swiss music with musical instruments of course. We had 5 hours on the alp, but it was so cold outside, and I was tired, that I did not want to do anything. I sat in the restaurant, enjoyed a nice large cup of coffee, socialized with guests and made a friendship bracelet. It felt like a very long day, and I am not quite sure how I kept myself occupied without going crazy. It was about 4:30 and we headed to the gondola station. We road the gondola down to Elsigbach, and the bus was waiting for us, horray! Thank goodness we did not have to wait in the cold. We made it back to the chalet in about 20 minutes and I changed into clean clothes and began blogging. For evening program, it is games night and we are playing indoor Clue, I am excited. AND, my parents are coming in 4 days!!!!!! I can not wait. Bye for now readers.

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