Monday, August 9, 2010


I went to two countries in one day! First, we arrived into Lausann,e which is a city located on Lake Geneva or Lac Leman (French version). We then hopped on an underground metro to take us to the lake so we could take a steamer boat across the lake to France. We went to Evian, which is famous for its mineral water and it also has a famous masters golf course. We walked around and saw many gardens and flowers; we even walked around the centre ville. We were hungry so we decided to stop and have a crepe to eat. I had a banana caramel crepe. We were trying to hurry and pay since we wanted to catch the next boat. But, as we were running to the boat station, we heard the boat’s horn and saw it depart form the port. Darn, we missed that boat. And the next boat was leaving in an hour and a half. So, we decided to lay in the park and sleep/sun bathe. It was actually very nice to sit still and relax. We did make the second boat, thank goodness. And our next destination was Geneva! We arrived in Geneva, got lost around the train station and then finally found the trams. We went to go see the United Nations headquarters. It was closing when we arrived, but it was still cool to see the building and take some photos. Our next stop was the Jardin Botanique (Botanical Gardens.) I really enjoy walking through such pretty gardens, as where I live they are few and far between. I even got to do some reading. I then realized as we were walking that Alex’s jacket that I had 

attached to my purse was gone (it probably fell off somehow). So, we got back on the bus and went back to the last bus stop and walked backwards. Luckily, since we are in Switzerland someone picked it up off the sidewalk and left it hanging in the bushes. Horray, we found it. We even got questioned by a French lady asking, in French, if it was my jacket, it was kind of hard to explain what happened, so we continued walking. We then took the tram over to the old town part of Geneva, the oldest part of the city. The architecture and gray-toned buildings convey Geneva’s history, a severely punitive Calvinist past. It was in 1535 that the Protestant Reformation arrived in Geneva. We also walked down to the lake to see the premier sight of Jet d’Eau, the world’s second largest fountain about 140m, which is Geneva’s premier symbol. We also saw the Flower clock in the Jardin Anglais that has around 6,500 flowers. It was fun to ride the tram around the old town as well as walk the sights. On our way to see the fountain, we even saw a really cool church, with golden domes. Geneva is Switzerland’s second largest city; I read that it is the world’s healthiest city because of the prevailing north winds that blow all the air pollution away. It is also a very international city as it has around 250 international organizations based here. And, the International Red Cross started in Geneva. How cool is that? Well, we then hopped on a bus to take us back to the train station. We did not want to get back to the chalet at midnight, because then I would be tired for the next few days. We actually missed the train stop while we were on the bus, because we couldn’t see the station. We got off at the next bus stop and ran to the train station, and made it to our train just in time. It was a good day =).

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