Monday, August 16, 2010


Oh sweet summer, how it has seems to be already vanishing/gone. It was a high of 12C today, it was very cold. I began the adventure day with our hike to the adventure park with Jackie. It was cold and windy so I had a warm hat, scarf, gloves, long sleeve shirt and fleece on, how crazy is that. We get to the adventure park, we get our equipment and then we begin! After we finish the practice course, we go to the zip lines and then it starts raining and the wind picks up. I go grab my rain jacket so my fleece does not get wet. I watch the girls go back and forth on the zip wires, laugh, shout and throughly enjoy themselves. It was fun, we also went to the high zip line, which is always tons of fun. Next stop, was the high ropes course. I was freezing cold, as I was standing around waiting in line. So, I decided to walk up and down to keep myself warm. Then, it was my turn for the high-ropes course; I went forward on the wooden part, but when I got to the actual wire, I decided to go backwards, it was fun. Then, I got to the flat wooden steps and decided to go backwards with no hands, I wanted to challenge myself since I fell off last time when I tried. I made it to the end without falling and I was going backwards the entire time, wahoo! We then abseiled off the bridge. The Japanese girls were really funny, because they were having fun, but were slightly scared at the same time. It was then time to jump off the bridge, and I finally have a video of me diving off the bridge, yay! It was my favorite part of the adventure park, but as I was swinging, I was so cold, it was crazy! We walked in the rain to the indoor climbing wall to have lunch. Thank goodness for being indoors. It was a lot of fun at the climbing wall, I climbed the slanted wall which is really hard and I climbed up the rope ladder. Now, my arms are very tired. After the fun and games at the indoor climbing wall, we walked through town on our way back to the chalet. And, one of the guests bought me a peach tea! It had stopped raining so the walk back to the chalet was just a little chilly. It is my last day of program and we are having a campfire tonight for evening program and I am running it/in charge!! =)

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