Thursday, August 19, 2010


It was my sixth day of working in a row, but I did not mind it because my parents were coming in the evening! I gave a morning tour to a group of guides from the UK, they seemed to enjoy it. I even met Rainbows and Brownies (the younger girl guides). I helped Sarah in the office and I got a 4 world centers fundraising pin, it was the last one so I felt special. Next was lunch and lunch clean up. I decided to start packing, because I knew I was not going to have much time to pack once my parents got here. I seemed to fit alot of clothing/items in my suitcase...but I still have a few days worth of clothes that need to go somewhere as well, hm. But, I worked on organizing my clutter, writing postcards and working on my end of the season evaluation. I got a lot done on the break which was very nice. It was then time to head to the kitchen for dinner preparation. I made the chicken carbonara, the veggie carbonara and the lactose free carbonara so that was fun. And, my parents arrived just in time for dinner! It was so good to see them! After dinner clean up, we hung out, I showed them around the chalet, but since they were tired from traveling they went to bed around 10pm. We were going hiking the next day, so sleep was needed. It was a typical day working guest services at the chalet.

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