Sunday, August 1, 2010


It is Swiss National Day! Today, I started work at 11:30am, thank goodness I finally got to sleep in. I was kitchen coordinator for the day, so I woke up to go make lunch for staff. After lunch, I came back and rested some more and watched more of the Unit. It was nice to have a break. We then got back into the kitchen at 3:30, since dinner was early tonight so we could all go to town. We made Rosti and Ratatouille! It was very yummy. It was fun working in the kitchen. Megan, Jane and I were nearly dying laughing when the trays in the oven started to collapse as we were pulling the Rosti dishes out of the oven to be served. It was great fun. We then cleaned up for dinner. I changed and then we set off for town. Koka gave us a lift to town, so we did not have to walk there =). We went to the central stadium ish area, and watched a band perform a few songs and we saw some yodeling. Next, was the town parade, we were carrying lanterns and flags and firecrackers were going off left and right. The smell reminded me of 4th of July. We walked around town and then there was a 10pm firework show. In all of Switzerland, fireworks were displayed at precisely 10pm. After the show, a few vollies all went out to the pub to have a drink in celebration of Swiss Independence. We walked home and it was already way past my bedtime. But, it was a fun day =)!!

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