Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Adeventure day, destination: woodcarvers and abseiling in the gorge. We had a lovely walk to the woodcarvers. I took lots of photographs of the flowers around the woodcarvers and around Cafe Blatti. There were so many, it was unreal. The weather was nice, it was sunny, but not too hot. We hiked with a group of girls from Montana (US) and Tokyo (Japan). They were lots of fun, and I was teaching the Japanese girls a few campfire songs. We sang a song about a moose, they did not know what a moose was, so one of the girls drew a picture so they could understand. It was neat. We then hiked to the river to have lunch. It was very crowded by the river and I sat on a rock, listened to the river rush down and heard children play and splash rocks in the creek. Next stop, was abseiling. I brought my camera into the gorge and took tons and tons of pictures. I even discovered new options to my camera, so I was having fun. We finally finished repelling and then it was time to head back to the chalet. On our hike back, the sun came out and it was alot warmer than the morning. I took a nice refreshing shower, uploaded my blog and some photos and then it was dinner time. It is Alex's last night in Switzerland, she went to Basel for the day to go to lots of art museums, but we are going out in Adelboden tonight. She will get a taste of my nightlife scene I have been experiencing this summer. Emma, Alex, Elaine and I all went out and it was tons of fun! Ciao. (I am pre-posting my adventure out, but none the less, this blog post is done!!!) I am finally caught up on all of my blogging.

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