Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I woke up to the rain this morning, just 25 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. So, I decided to just get up instead of lay in bed and wait for the bell of my alarm to ring. I was the only one working the early morning breakfast shift, so I went downstairs and had a nice cup of coffee and ate some breakfast. I even got to the kitchen a few minutes early. I put on the coffee and prepared the hot water, drinks, packed lunch table and breakfast table. And then it was 8am.  After breakfast, I mopped, vacuumed and did the bathrooms in Main Chalet, and it took me the full two hours to complete that task. I listened to my ipod while I was working, so it was not that bad. We then had lunch, indoors, since it was still raining. After lunch, the 5-20% sunshine arrived. I got together some things for Venice (I am going there with Alex for 3 days, I leave on Thursday and I am super excited). I even made photo copies of my passport. I had a very relaxing day. Dinner preparation was alot of fun, since Jenny was not here. We even finished at 8:30! It was amazing. It was just another day at the chalet, and 2 more days until I am off to Venice!! Ciao.

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