Saturday, July 10, 2010


Although we went out the previous night, Susan and I were on the early breakfast shift. We actually had a very enjoyable early morning breakfast experience. After breakfast, we went to morning meeting and luckily Karen was the only senior staff member working. Karen is young so she enjoyed hearing about our shenanigans of the night. I vacuumed and mopped Main Chalet and then took a 30-minute catnap before lunch. I was very tired. After lunch cleanup, I took a 3-hour nap and woke up just in time for dinner preparation. I have the next two days off and I plan to go to Paris. I am very excited. After dinner cleanup, I went to the office to go print out my hostel and train ticket information for my 2-day holiday. I was very excited. But, as soon as I walked back to Stockli the entire server crashed and I was unable to access internet. Therefore, I could not research about Paris or update my blog. But luckily I had got the necessary information printed before the server crashed. I packed my bag for Paris and then went to bed as my train was leaving tomorrow at 7am. 

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