Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today is the infamous change-over day, and I had the day off. I was originally planning to go scootering and hiking, but due to the weather I decided to travel. I woke up around 8:30am on my own and decided I wanted to go to Liechtenstein. I went into Emma and Elaine’s room and woke up Elaine. She seemed interested in the idea, so she woke up and came with me on our journey to the very small country. We hopped on the bus at 9:54 and made it to Liechtenstein by 2pm. We meandered through the capital of Liechtenstein, Vaduz. We decided to go straight to the tourist office for a map of the city. I even got my passport stamped, horray my second stamp! Our next stop was the prince’s castle, Schloss Vaduz, which dates back to the 12th century. The interior is not open to the public because the prince and his family still live there. It is about a 20-minute venture up the hill to the castle which overlooks the city. It was a hot day, but seeing the exterior fortress was worth it. Elaine and I even took a picture at a spot, which overlooks the town. We walked back down to the main street, Stadtle. The street was wide covered with grey slate stones. The country is famous for its stamp production, which generates about 25% of the countries income. So, we visited the Postmuseum. It was a free museum that had exhibits about the history of the postal service system. It displayed how stamps were made, how mail was carried, the different mail boxes and even bikes and lanterns. It was a very lovely museum. I even bought some postcards and stamps while I was there. We then went to the post office to send a few postcards from Liechtenstein =). Next, we went on a souvenir shopping hunt to find more postcards, stamps and flags. We walked in and out of stores to try and find the best deal. It was really nice that all the shops were so close, so we did not have to walk that far. We did not have time to stop for lunch, so we decided to meander the town to look for a place to eat. We decided that pizza and grapes would satisfy our hunger. We ate outside of the town hall, Rathaus. Vaduz was a very small, quaint town and it did not take long to explore. After we were done eating and exploring, we went to Coop to get dinner on the go for the later train ride. And, we even bought a beer from Liechtenstein. After our final stop at the Coop, we headed for the bus to go back to Switzerland and to continue our journey home. The mountains were different to those of the Bernese Oberland, they were still gigantic, but just looked a little different. I could tell that in the past a glacier had moved through the valley that we were traveling. The landscape, scenery and lakes were very pretty from what I saw when I was not sleeping. I thought to myself that I was glad I spontaneously took an adventure over to another country, a very small one at that. All and all it was a good day off. And we even got a ride back up the hill from Christoph =).

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