Saturday, July 3, 2010


Today, I had the day off! I was able to sleep until lunch time and it was heavenly. After lunch, Emma and I decided to go to Thun. It was a bright and sunny day, so we were wearing our swim suits. We were ready to jump in the river and go tanning. We also were planning on going to the Bluegrass Music Festival. When we arrived by train in Thun, we could see rain clouds in the distance and the sun was barely shining. But, that was okay, we went to Coop and got some refreshing beverages. We wondered around town and then when the down pour began we headed to a bridge for cover. We decided to hang out and play some games and wait til the rain would stop. The heavy rain only lasted 45 minutes then we were able to walk the streets again. We browsed through stores then headed to the music festival. The sky was clearing up although at some points it was still sprinkling. The festival was literally on the lake, with a huge stadium and stage that was partly in the water. The bands were from Switzerland, Germany and Australia. They even sang songs in English. We sat by the water and watched the wind surfers and other water sport adventures. After the festival, we got a lift back to the train stop. We then were on a mission to find a hamburger and fries for dinner. We had 25 minutes to order our food and make it back to the train station. We were literally running all the way back so we could catch our train in time. It was quite an adventure. We had to make it on the 7pm train because we had a staff party at 8pm. It was a surprise adventure and when we arrived the festivities had just began. We had a beach fashion show, we played volleyball, we slid down the hill on ice blocks and we had a boat race. There was an enormous water fight at the end, I was soaked from head to toe. And, we all go ice cream cake for the end surprise! It was a good staff night 'in.' Sliding down the hill on a large block of ice was my favorite part of the night, as well as the water fight. It was tons of fun. It was an adventurous, long day and I am going to bed to prepare for our long hike tomorrow. Cheers.

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