Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It is the last day of program, well this program that is. I woke up this morning and I was very tired and did not want to get out of bed. Finally 10 minutes after my first alarm went off, I arose. I changed into my staff uniform, filled my water bottles and packed my backpack for the day. I made my way downstairs and then went to the kitchen veranda to pack my lunch. I returned to Stockli and oh joy I had 3 minutes until morning meeting. I brought my bowl of cereal and coffee to morning meeting. I was really moving like molasses. Morning meeting went well and Jane and I were off to the woodcarvers in the morning and then abseiling in the afternoon. I really don't like taking the woodcarvers route to the woodcarvers because there are lots and lots of stairs you have to climb until you get to the semi flat part of the hike. Anyways, I made it alive and well to the woodcarvers and then I enjoyed a piece of lemon cake at the cafe next door. We ate lunch by the river under the trees in the shade. Next halt was the beautiful gorge. As I was repelling down the gorge, I enjoyed hearing the water whisk away into the distance. It was a very loud water sound and somewhat peaceful. I hung out at the bottom for about an hour and a half. All the guests really seemed to enjoy the scenery in the gorge, it really is stunning. It was time to walk back to the chalet, and I was really hoping it would rain so it would cool off. And about 3 minutes into our journey, the rain began. We had to put on our rain pants/long pants to go through a foresty party to avoid getting stung by stinging nettle. We required that the guests but their hands in the air and trek down the muddy forest. It was a fun adventure. When we were nearing the chalet, the rumbling thunder began and the rain fell a little harder. I did not bother to put on my rain jacket, since the cool rain felt very nice as it fell upon my skin. I made it back to the chalet, again safe and sound. I had an hour to relax until our campfire meeting. I took the time to update my blogs, etc. It is the closing campfire ceremony tonight. I have the day off tomorrow to hopefully go scootering and hiking to Otterealp =) Peace, Love & Hugs. ~Melanie

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