Wednesday, July 7, 2010


This event I am working guest services. I woke up to help with the late breakfast shift. It was opening ceremony for the new event, which began at 9am. We finished washing up in the kitchen and then it was morning meeting time. Today, I vacuumed and mopped Main Chalet. I took out the trash and recycling and did laundry. We had bratwurst and veggie patties for the BBQ lunch. And since it was sunny, we had lunch outdoors! After lunch cleanup, I had an afternoon break. I worked on some of my staff challenge points that I will hopefully get signed tomorrow. Emma and I are planning on building a tent tomorrow evening so we can camp and get more staff challenge points. We have to cook for 95 guests this event, so it does take some time to prepare dinner. I sliced ham and cheese for 2 hours, it was tons of fun let me tell you. I sat and enjoyed dessert on the veranda with Jenny after we finished dinner cleaning. It was nice to observe the beautiful mountain scenery. Emma and I even had a nice chat with Christoph about tent building. I then relaxed in my bed until I fell asleep.

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