Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I woke up at 5am and walked about 4 minutes to the train station, I grabbed a café and a freshly baked pastry and then boarded the train. I woke up extra early because I did not want to miss my train back to Adelboden. I slept virtually the entire way to Frutigen. I arrived at Oey, the bus stop, at 8:20am; I walked up the hill, changed for work and went straight to the kitchen. I drank another cup of coffee and morning meeting and then the daily house chores began. During the break, I had the urge to complete some staff challenge points. I therefore cleaned all of Stockli house by myself, it took me about 2 hours, it was very dirty. Horray I earned more staff challenge points. After dinner clean up, I briefly checked email in the office since that is the only internet location. Emma, Jane, Elaine, Susan and I all had a games party in the tent to earn more staff challenge points. After our card games, I was finally very tired so I went to bed. I am working a half day tomorrow and I need to be rested. =)

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