Friday, July 23, 2010


It is the seventh event of the summer season. It is on-site day, so today the guest services bunch and the program bunch swapped days. Therefore, I was on guest services for the day. I helped with the tail-end of breakfast. We finished cleaning up in the kitchen before opening ceremony at 9am! We then had opening ceremony in the rain, but that was okay. The event was officially announced open. Next was coffee and morning meeting. Susan and I volunteered to be in the kitchen to help Jenny with the BBQ lunch. We sliced bread and tomatoes, and prepared the lettuce and cheese. I re-filled the condiment bottles and got other things ready for the BBQ. Susan and I worked relatively fast so there was lots of 'wait' time, so I decided to refill the dry breakfast food items, etc in order to keep myself busy. I did not want to be bored, because I was feeling tired. BBQ lunch was a success and I even got a veggie patty, =) sometimes I would rather have the veg option than Bratwurst.  We cleaned up and then it was break time. I decided to take a nap on my break since I was tired from the night before of barely any sleep. I was semi getting sick and I think it was because the drastic change in the weather, it was 14C today, it was crazy and cold! I woke up from my nap, well Susan woke me up, and then headed to the kitchen for dinner preparation time. We were making chili, rice, salad and donuts (frozen originally) for dessert. After dinner, we breezed through cleanup and were done just after 8pm, which is record timing. Wahoo a nice evening off. I even got to go to bed before midnight, success! It was a good, but very rainy day at the chalet.