Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today I continued my job as laundry queen, but since I did the bulk of the dirty laundry yesterday I only had to do it for half of the day. At morning meeting, we decided we were going to make a green chili stew instead of cottage pie that was planned by the catering coordinator. It was her day off and we opted not to eat the leftovers =) After morning duties and lunch, we were of to town with Karen during our break. We went to Coop, the local grocery store, and then had a break at the coffee shop next door. It was nice, I ordered a strong café crème! After we got back, I made pico de gallo, as I am making enchiladas for the staff tomorrow, it is apart of my staff challenge to cook dinner by myself and make a dish from our home country! I am excited for a slight Mexican food binge since for the rest of the summer we will be having the same 8 dishes in a rotation, oh joy. Dinner was very lovely, it was nice to have soup for a change! And we had homemade chocolate chip cookies for desert. Yum, yum! It was a good day and I even watched a movie before I fell asleep…Elizabethtown to be exact. Cody sent me a package and I got it today, it included a small movie selection as well. =)

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