Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today is Loise’s birthday, she is a spring/summer volunteer from Swaziland! On program we had an on-site activities day. Marel, Susan and I were in charge of Orienteering. We had three different groups throughout the day. We taught them various orienteering games, theories and quizzes. Then, they had 45 minutes to complete the our chalet orienteering game. There were 12 different markers to obtain. The last time I played the game, I was not able to find the 12th marker. So, during the first orienteering session, Marel, Susan and I went to go look for it. We hiked through the meadow, which was wet from the rain (my pants were soaking), up through the forest and looked for about 30 minutes until we were finally able to find it. Thank goodness. Then we had a BBQ lunch, which consisted of Bratwrust sausages and Veggie Patties, so it was Switzerland style. After lunch we had 2 more orienteering groups, and it rained during the first one and it was sunny for the second. The weather in Adelboden changes hourly. After dinner, the evening program was International Night. The guests are all from the USA, we have 8 groups from Texas =), and other groups from California, Kansas and Ohio. They all brought various dances, skits and songs to the event. The staff event performed a partner English dance and it is very exhausting. After international night, we traded SWAPs, and now I have Texas things to hang in my room. Tomorrow I am going to the Adventure Park and Climbing Wall! Wahoo!

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