Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today was just another day on guest services, and my last day before my days off! I was on the late breakfast shift and we finished cleaning just in time for meeting. I drank coffee at morning meeting to give me an extra boost to continue cleaning. I vacuumed and mopped Spycher again, I tend to volunteer this since I know it best. After I finished, Renee and I counted and sorted all of the new linen that had come in the mail. Horray, Stockli has new GREEN linen!! We then washed it so we can use it soon. We had lunch outside because it was such a beautiful day! Finally the sun came out...again! Renee, Susan and I then decided to walk to town. The weather was great and they needed some things from Coop, so I went along for the stroll. On the way back we saw Christoph coming back from the Recycling Center so we got a ride back up the hill, yay =).  It was then picture time for the 'hall of fame' and the website. We took photo shoots all around the chalet. I took mine in the flowers with the snowy mountains in the background! We then prepared for dinner, we were a bit late for preparation so we were constantly on the go. I made 10 dishes of apricot/raisin bread and butter pudding, it was crazy. It took the entire time. We then washed up. Since it is a Wednesday, I volunteered to jump on the silver bins with Christoph. It is Thursdays trash day and it costs 25CHF to take out the trash, so we try to fit as much stuff in the bin as possible. We managed to fit 2 more large trash cans in the silver bins that was already full to begin with. I even earned staff challenge points! After that, Emma and I were going to town to socialize...since I have the day off Thursday and Friday. I am going to Basel with Moushira for 2 days, Elaine is coming for the day and Jenny is meeting us on Friday! Wahoo! Updates about Basel will be when I get back!!

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