Monday, June 21, 2010


Today I woke up, ate breakfast and went to the kitchen to help with the second shift of breakfast. We had opening ceremony to welcome our new guests, so that is always a fun morning. After the ceremony we went straight to morning meeting. Megan and I volunteered to be in the kitchen, so we finished cleaning up the rest of breakfast and then helped Jenny prepare the BBQ lunch. I cut about 30 long French breads into 3 smaller bits and then sliced them open so they could be used as sandwiches. It took me about 45 minutes to complete that task. Then we prepared bratwurst, veggie patties, lettuce, tomato and cheese. BBQ lunch is normally an outdoor lunch, but this is the 3rd time in a row it has been raining, so it was moved indoors. After lunch and lunch clean up we had a break until dinner. Susan and I continued our Unit marathon and watched a few more episodes. The tv show is quite addicting. We prepared chili, rice, salad and donuts for dinner. It was very good; I even got to have some of the veggie chili since there was extra. We had international night outdoors and I was able to watch it from my window. It was a good day despite the cold, frigid, wet weather. But by Wednesday, it should be sunny again.

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