Saturday, June 5, 2010


The start to my day was quite pleasant. Now that we are in staff housing, we are able to eat breakfast over here versus in the dining hall with all the 70-100 guests. I, along with three others, was on early morning breakfast duty. And all three of us have not done the early morning shift, so the morning was quite hectic. First, we couldn’t figure out how to turn on the bread maker, and then we had a minor coffee crisis as I used a filter that was too small for Christoph (aka the coffee maker). But after that breakfast went fine, we were constantly filling up milk, juice, yogurt, jam, coffee and hot water. And again we finished washing up before morning meeting, success! After morning meeting, I vacuumed and mopped Spycher, again. Although, this time it only took an hour! I had an hour break until lunch! I watched one of my favorite seasons, Arrested Development, with Kate, it was her first time watching the show, so we watched the pilot! Since it was such a lovely day, we ate lunch outdoors. After lunch clean up, we had a 3 and half hour break until dinner preparation. During break, I read my book outdoors while I was sunbathing, and took a cat nap because the weather was great. I even finished my book! I was quite excited. For dinner we made potatoes, along with other items, and I was very happy, as potatoes are one of my favorite veggies. =) This evening we had international night for evening program. The guides from India prepared 3 dances from different regions of their country. They brought their attire as well, above is a picture from one of the dances! There were other skits, songs and dances as well. But I was most amazed by the Indian dancing. Today was a good day. Tomorrow I get to see Liz in Lucerne, which I am very excited to see a friend in Switzerland!!! I will write again once I return =)

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