Friday, June 11, 2010


Today I got to sleep in until morning meeting. It was nice to sleep in until 9am. Tomorrow I have the day off, so I will post photos then. I was assigned vacuuming and mopping Main chalet! I even got a lesson on how to use the brand new advanced washer and dryer!! After lunch, I started preparing for dinner since I wanted a stress-free dinner preparation. I cooked rice and chicken enchiladas with peaches and cream for dessert! They were very yummy.  I had a long break before it was time to prepare dinner, and I cooked the meal all by myself! I got 4 staff challenge points, 2 for making dinner by myself and 2 for preparing a dish from my home country. And while I was waiting to prepare dinner I got 2 more points, I took a photo of myself in the dryer and I climbed through the OVEN** and wrote a poem! It was great fun. Anyways, I did have helpers after dinner during clean up. It was a very relaxing and somewhat boring day as there were no guests here, since all the high adventure people departed this morning. But, tomorrow is the arrival day for event 2 and I am on program this event!!! I have the day off tomorrow since it is arrival day, but after that it is on-site day and then the hikes and adventures begin! I get to go to the adventure park and climbing wall twice! I am very excited about that!! Bye for now. I am off to town with the vollies for the night =) Oh Adelboden, how it is such a peaceful town.

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