Monday, June 14, 2010


Good morning Monday, as it does not feel like a Monday but rather just another day at the chalet. I was off to the Adventure Park and Climbing Wall. We had a very fun morning meeting, we seemed to be very awake as we could not stop laughing (it is funnier in person and more hard to explain in words). Kate and I hate a group from Kansas and a group from Ohio, it took us a little over an hour to get to the adventure park. As the guests called it long walk, we then harnessed up and got ready for the day. We started out at the practice set; this allows the girls to better understand how they can clip in the wire securely and safely. After all 13 people completed the task, we went to the low zip and the high zip course. We assisted the girls and once they completed the zips we had a go! I love letting go of my hands and spinning around before I get to the other side. Although, while I was braking, my arm did hit the wire so it got slightly burnt, but it did not hurt and I am okay so no worries. After zip line was the high-rope adventure, and I hung out on the middle platform to help the girls connect from the wooden blocks to the wire part of it. I did not bring my jacket to the top and I was freezing the entire time, since it was very windy at the top. After the high ropes course I got the chance to dive off the bridge again! It is my favorite part of the adventure park. Then we sat down and had a nice lunch by the river. Next stop we were off to the climbing wall. It is a real climbing wall and not the indoor one that many people are used too. It is actually the rock of the mountain. Many girls had a try, but some were more scared than others. I was at the bottom for most of the time as it is chalet policy that guests go first. I do enjoy climbing but I will be at the adventure park and climbing wall again this Saturday. It started to rain while we were at the climbing wall so many guests wanted to get ready to leave to go back to the Chalet. A plant today, a stinging nettle to be exact, stung me. It stung and itched quite bad and at first I thought a bee stung me. A leader then informed me that it was a plant. I did some research when I got back to the chalet and it is not a dangerous plant. After dinner, it was Swiss Night again and we had Fritz play his Alpenhorn and we had chocolate fondue as a surprise at the end!!

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