Wednesday, June 2, 2010


It was our first staff day and I was blessed with the privilege to be on program. We had an ‘on-site’ day with the Indians, and today was a blast. We began this morning with opening ceremony by the flag pole; we introduced ourselves as staff, and I got the chance to raise the flag! After the opening ceremony the event has officially begun. We started off the morning with an orienteering session. I had no played this game but I enjoyed walking around the chalet to find the various markers. I even had to climb through a forest to look for a marker, but failed. I even had to cross a field full of cows to find one. I had a lot of fun but got very wet and muddy. After orienteering we had an indoor bbq lunch. Although the bbq lunch consisted of veggie patties and bratwurst, it was interesting. After orienteering we had campfire cooking. And honestly as a girl scout I have never started a fire from just a match, but today our patrol did. We cut the wood with a knife and made many shavings to start the fire. It took about an hour to get our fire going and the goal was to burn through the string since we had to build a fire in a pot. It was quite a challenge. After our fire was burning, we got to make twisted bread on a stick. I have never worked so hard to make and eat a bread twist, but it was delicious. But boy oh boy my clothes and hair have never smelt like campfire. I was so happy to take a shower later in the day. After campfire cooking, we had craft time! We made snowflakes, and scissor crafts and a woggle. A woggle is probably the hardest craft I have ever done in my lifetime. Check out the picture -> Then after crafts we had dinner and then onto Swiss Night! The summer staff conducted the evening program, it was very exciting. We had a William Tell play, Swiss songs and a Swiss Trivia game with a chocolate fondue surprise at the end. The guests really love their surprise. Today, I did my first load of laundry, since I was running low in the sock department. Volunteers get to use the staff industrial-sized washer and dryer so we are able to wash a lot of clothes! Tomorrow we finally get to move into Stockly our staff house!! I am very excited to finally not be living out of a suitcase, as my clothes will now remain in drawers. Goodnight, readers.

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