Friday, June 4, 2010


My day began in the kitchen and ended in the kitchen. Breakfast was served to about 65 guests and clean up was done before morning meeting, success! Then, Megan and I prepared squirrel house (a building up the hill, where I stayed my first few nights) for 14 guests that were arriving in the afternoon, and that was great fun. We had to dodge the electric fence (the cows were inside) up and down the hill as we transported linen and towels for the guests. I also had to vacuumed and mopped Spycher (again) before lunch time. Surprisingly, I finished all my tasks before noon. Yesterday it took me the entire time to vacuum and mop Spycher. I am already getting better. After lunch and clean up, I had a break for about 2 hours. I watched the end of Moulin Rouge and relaxed and read until it was time for dinner. We prepared chicken and veggie cabarona, pasta, green beans and peaches and cream for dessert. Although, while draining the 2-foot tall pot of pasta with Lesley, I burned my forearm in the process, but no worries I am fine as accidents do happen in the kitchen. During preparation Lesley actually scalded her finger by accidentally sticking it into a pot of boiling water, therefore she was not there for dinner cleanup. With 70 guests to wash up for, the 3 guest services vollies were busy. I was in charge of the cleaning of all the dishes before they went through Windy (the dishwasher, and yes we have names for everything in the kitchen). I cleaned over 200 cutlery pieces, 75 plates, dishes bowls etc. It was quite fun and I did not get my t-shirt as wet as I had the previous day. We temporarily got paused during cleaning to have an opening ceremony for the guests that have arrived for high adventure week. We finished clean up around 9:30pm and then it was shower time and reading time. It was a lovely day, the sun was shining and it was warmer than yesterday!

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